Thursday, October 29, 2009

Lookit lookit!

We painted pumpkins for Family Home Evening.

Here's Papa's...


And Little Girl's.

And here's what Papa and I did Wenesday.
This is the biggest Deer he's ever bagged, and I got to help. (My very first hunt!) I must admit it was pretty durn exciting. I don't think I've ever seen my hubby so keyed up. Let me tell you, He was on cloud nine.
Anyway... if he neglected to call you and give you all the nitty grity details... I'd be really surprized. I think he talked to every male this side of the Rockies to share his joy. And of course every male was quite impressed.
(We do have more pics but they're kinda icky... let us know if you want to see them.)

Monday, October 26, 2009

Oh, and one more thing...

Last week, little girl helped me make caramel apples...

and then put on a magic show for me when I was sick.

But before that...

Not a bad week I'd say.

Well said little girl...

What more can we say?

Monday, October 19, 2009

How we spent our Summer Vacation - Part 2: Getting Married

There are no words to describe June 26th, 2009. But I'll do my best.

It started with a BIG breakfast with not one, but two BIG families with LOTS of laughing and LOTS of food.

Then there were two beautiful ladies who helped me feel even MORE beautiful.

Then there was music, prayers, beautiful words... sacred covenants.
But there was also silliness...

Pretty girls with pretty flowers...

and a Papa Bear and a Baby Bear.
Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes.

And white gloves and handkerchiefs.
There were grandpa's with big smiles....

There were young ladies and gentlemen in their finest.

There were people we love. And who love us.

And relatives from far away who love to surprise! (Standing next to my Mommy and my "little" Brother sporting the red hair)

A brother with golf ball sized tonsils... He was very very sick, but stayed for the wedding anyway.

And a brother who thought the LED tea lights were loads of fun.

There was dancing... and um, kissing.
Dancing with Mommys...
(Chris and his Mommy)
(MY mommy and my silly brother)
(sis-in-law/bridesmaid and her oldest son)

And with Daddys...
(My big Brother/wedding photographer and his little princess)

(My mommy and her Daddy)
(Little girl and her Daddy)
(Chris' AMAZING sister who helped us all stay sane and her Daddy.)
(My other Big Brother and his munchkin)
(And a Daddy who isn't really MY Daddy, but really is my Daddy.)
Of course there was silly dancing.

Oh, and dancing with cousins.
There were very dear friends who slaved away in the kitchen to make a beautiful wedding supper... And didn't complain once!

And whipped cream on a car.
Later that night, there was a very sleepless bride, who couldn't sleep (and no, not JUST because it was her honeymoon) because all the love she felt that day. She actually felt as if she would burst from it all. It was a wonderful beginning.
*All photos courtesy of Jeff and Gracie.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

How we spent our Summer Vacation - Part 1

Our summer started by saying goodbye to friends, co-workers, mentors, teachers. We miss them... but give thanks for the miracle of facebook. *wink*

And then there was a play. A play with a beautiful, hilarious Princess, a drab, clever prince, a naughty, yet courteous King, and a nasty, but lovely. sociable Queen. And of course there was a wizard who reads books about teenage wizards with scars. And a minstrel who often kissed a sweet lovely wench and sang ridiculous songs. And a jester with bells and a oversize grin. And ladies-in-waiting with lovely brown, blue, grey eyes who wore long dark eyelashes and red lips and flowers in their hair and ate brightly colored ice cream and got blue tongues. And pictures of tea pots and a Buddha. And knights who did little but showed off their bravado and machismo for all the ladies. And the ladies laughed. And friendly plump birds who loved weddings. And singing and dancing. And a director who wouldn’t give up. And a flirty French girl who enjoyed every minute of it.

Then there was a company picnic with the best grilled trout I've ever had, cotton candy, games, prizes, swimming, and... rain.

There was shopping with my mommy. She bought 3 dresses for herself and Rachel's first school uniform.

There was a bridal shower with dear friends.

With a cake made by my oldest (and one of my dearest) friend.

There was a baby shower for my second oldest (and another dearest) friend. Look how pretty she is as a mommy to be! (My mommy is sitting next to her, and her mommy is next to my mommy).

There was bowling and shopping and pie with my girlfriends. Thanks for the pix Gracie!

Bride to be, me, Kristina.

Christy & Katie

Kori and Kristina

And of course, my new sister-in-law, Gracie!!
Comming up next... How we spent our Summer Vacation - Part 2: The Wedding