Thursday, October 29, 2009

Lookit lookit!

We painted pumpkins for Family Home Evening.

Here's Papa's...


And Little Girl's.

And here's what Papa and I did Wenesday.
This is the biggest Deer he's ever bagged, and I got to help. (My very first hunt!) I must admit it was pretty durn exciting. I don't think I've ever seen my hubby so keyed up. Let me tell you, He was on cloud nine.
Anyway... if he neglected to call you and give you all the nitty grity details... I'd be really surprized. I think he talked to every male this side of the Rockies to share his joy. And of course every male was quite impressed.
(We do have more pics but they're kinda icky... let us know if you want to see them.)

1 comment:

  1. we carved our pumpkins. i will have to make a post some day soon! i am so busy it being tech week and all. looks like you are having a fun time.
