Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Triming the Tree

Due to a break down in communication between the Camera and the Computer, this post is two weeks late. Not to worry, the Camera and the Computer have resolved their differences and have rekindled their friendship.
December 1st, we put up our tree. (Assembled would be a better word, but putting up the tree sounds more "Christmasy". At least we don't have to water it.) Once we had it 'put up' and before we trimmed the tree we had some amazing turkey enchiladas. (My husband's idea. Great way to use up thanksgiving left overs!)
And little girl made a lovely little salad to go along.

Isn't the tree looking lovely?

Ta-Da! We put up all of our favorite ornaments, and had fun talking about when we got each one, who gave it to us, and remembering Christmases past.

I know, it doesn't have the tree topper yet, but we're waiting for Christmas Eve. A new Leader Family tradition.

A few days later, we went and visited Santa (Well, one of his helpers anyway). We asked for a Puppy. Yes, a Puppy. We'll just have to wait and see what Santa brings.

1 comment:

  1. hey, i asked for a puppy too! and i got one! yep, she is soooo cute. i am going to post about her soon, or you can check her out on facebook. love ya, miss ya too. hope you are enjoying all the snow!
